REMA The Early Music Podcast

Talks with performers and inspiring specialists to benefit from the experience of the best, and bring a new perspective to your professional practice or listening experience!

Four editions of the Early Music Podcast are available online.
It is contributing to the knowledge and reflection about Early Music research, performance and programming, giving voice to selected specialists and experts from all over Europe. The podcast is available on all major platforms such as iTunes, Youtube and Spotify.
The Early Music Podcast - season 4

The Early Music Podcast - season 4

November 2023
Designed as an introduction to the Early Music Summit (30 November to 3 December 2023), this 4th season investigates practices and developments within the early music sector. Accompanied by professionals from all sides (artists, agents, promoters, researchers...), we question our relationship with early music. Listen to the episodes and discover the diversity and creativity of the stakeholders, the many innovations, and the richness of this sector.

NOV. 8
The Early Music Podcast - season 3

The Early Music Podcast - season 3

April 2023
For its third season, the Early Music Podcast is an introduction to early music. Each of the ten episodes follows in the footsteps of an outstanding composer from the Middle Ages to the Romantic era, gives keys to listening and understanding a work or a period, and examines the great myths of the ancient music: music of the past, based on research and rediscovery of the repertoire, or territory of creation and experimentation for artists? Far from pre-conceived ideas, each episode gives the floor to a specialist who depicts an unexpected picture of what makes early music so facinating for artists and audiences today!

APR. 6

The Early Music Podcast - season 2

April 2021
Supporting the REMAin Connected sessions organized throughout 2021, each episode focuses on the topic on the agenda: audience development, culture and tourism, the translation of research into stage performances … In each episode, the guest speaker is provided with the space to go further into detail, or branch out to look at the broader picture.

APR. 5
The Early Music Podcast - season 1

The Early Music Podcast - season 1

December 2021
In connection with the programming of the European Early Music Summit (20 to 22 November 2020), the episodes examine the practices and the future of the early music sector, with professionals from all sides: ensembles, concert halls, festivals, but also conservatories, researchers, labels, media… Listen to your favourite artists sharing their experiences, discover inspiring projects and immerse yourself in the lives of the people that make Early Music in Europe!

DEC. 5