Via Mediaeval 2023
Once again Via Mediaeval are looking for ideas and suggestions for concerts for Via Mediavael. In 2023, the topic will be called „European Compass – the West.“ By West they mean places like Central and Northern France, the region that is Benelux today, Great Britain and Ireland.
If you would like to perform for Via Mediaeval in 2023, please send an E-Mail to by December 31st, 2022 – including your program proposals with a short description of the ensemble, free dates and your fee expectations. Please visit our homepage for further information.
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If you would like to perform for Via Mediaeval in 2023, please send an E-Mail to by December 31st, 2022 – including your program proposals with a short description of the ensemble, free dates and your fee expectations. Please visit our homepage for further information.
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