The Alamire Foundation was founded in 1991 as a joint venture between KU Leuven (Musicology Research Group) and Musica Impulse Centre. As an international study centre, the Alamire Foundation has set itself the goal of stimulating, coordinating and conducting academic and practical research. In doing so, it concentrates specifically on the music and music scene of the Low Countries, from the Middle Ages until 1800. With the use of state-of-the-art methods, including those in the fields of digitization and exhaustive auralization technology, this musical heritage is preserved, studied and valorized. The music, whether in manuscript or printed form, is made accessible by means of traditional publications such as inventories, facsimiles and critical text editions, but also with innovative digital databases. The scientific discussions and conclusions find their way into monographs and academic journals, including the foundation’s own Journal of the Alamire Foundation. Partnerships and contacts with the worlds of academia and the performing arts, heritage institutions and the cultural sector result in international conferences and practical laboratories, festivals and concerts, exhibitions and multimedia applications.
Abdij van Park 1, Leuven, Belgium
/ +32(0)16328750