Frequenze Inaudite - Season 2023/24

From 04 November 2023 to 27 May 2024/ Italy / Naples

'Frequenze Inaudite' is the title of the new concert season of the Fondazione Pietà de' Turchini, which brings together suggestions from the local, national and international artistic scene. It starts on 4 November 2023, bringing to light an extraordinary page, Domenico Sarro's Missa di Requiem, and will continue until May 2024. The programme will bring foreign artists to Naples, who will confront each other with the precious Neapolitan musical heritage, and will give space to local virtuosos and ensembles, capable of arousing curiosity in the public towards original sonorities and musical languages that are rarely - and often never - heard.
Frequenze Inaudite - Season 2023/24

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