Festival Renaixement

From 05 September 2024 to 07 September 2024/ Spain / Valencia

The Renaissance is an artistic and cultural epoch that began in the Modern Age, reflecting the ideals of the humanist movement that developed in Europe during the 15th and 16th centuries. This period marked a departure from the medieval worldview, characterized by the revival of trade and urban life, the rise of the bourgeoisie and powerful monarchies, significant geographical discoveries, a unified vision of the world, the spread of classical philosophy, and the separation of religion from philosophy, reason from faith, as well as freedom of thought and significant scientific advancements.
The invention of the printing press and the growth of universities shifted culture from monasteries to the streets of cities. In this secular society, where man was considered the measure of all things, a more personal and direct form of religion emerged, allowing individuals greater freedom from religious institutions. Artists of the Renaissance were often multifaceted, excelling as painters, sculptors, architects, and musicians, and operated in a world that was more artisanal than strictly artistic. 

For three days, we will offer a sample of this rich cultural heritage through various manifestations, providing spectators with a unique opportunity to experience the most significant artistic expressions of our past.
Festival Renaixement

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