FESTIVAL EMBAR(O)QUEMENT IMMEDIAT 2023 : The winning artists of the Baroque (A)venir scheme are...
From 06 May 2023 to 14 May 2023/ France / Valenciennes
As every year, the Baroque Festival of Valenciennes (Nord, France) offers two residencies for artists in professional integration, each followed by a concert as part of the program:
- Creation residency with the Ensemble La Nébuleuse, artistic direction Gabriel Rignol. To listen to during the opening concert of the festival on Saturday May 6, 2023 (Dido Furens by Domenico Mazzocchi)
- Research-creation residency on the court musette, by Nadia Vazquez-Martinez. Concert on Sunday 14 May as part of the “Goûts Réunis” (intimate concerts in heritage sites).
- Creation residency with the Ensemble La Nébuleuse, artistic direction Gabriel Rignol. To listen to during the opening concert of the festival on Saturday May 6, 2023 (Dido Furens by Domenico Mazzocchi)
- Research-creation residency on the court musette, by Nadia Vazquez-Martinez. Concert on Sunday 14 May as part of the “Goûts Réunis” (intimate concerts in heritage sites).