Chiara Margarita Cozzolani & Isabela Leonarda

08 March 2024/ Germany / Berlin

Joowon Chung, Anna Nesyba - soprano
Christoph Dittmar, Alexander Schneider - alto
Johannes Gaubitz, Christopher Renz - tenor
Matthias Lutze, Clemens Heidrich - bass

Dr. Anna-Maria Schneider - moderation

Irina Kisselova - 1st baroque violin
Prisca Stalmarski - 2nd baroque violin
Moni Fischaleck - 1st dulcian bass
Elisabeth Kaufhold - 2nd dulcian
Magnus Anderssohn - theorbo
Luise Enzian - baroque harp
Flóra Fábri - harpsichord
Klaus Eichhorn - organ

Musical direction: Alexander Schneider
Ensemble Polyharmonique celebrates sacred repertoire written by women. Men have not exclusively shaped European music history with their works; however, the barriers for female composers were incomparably higher. It is therefore important to bring musical treasures to light and explore biographies. Ensemble Polyharmonique presents luminous vesper psalms by Chiara Margarita Cozzolani (1602-1678) and festive instrumental music by Isabella Leonarda (1620-1704).
The Ensemble Polyharmonique is dedicated to the discovery of unknown works of early music and presents a programme on the occasion of International Women's Day 2024 that focuses on two Italian female composers of the 17th century, Chiara Margarita Cozzolani and Isabella Leonarda. The profoundly glowing sacred music of both women is in the tradition of the finest northern Italian compositional art, is full of variety and originality - and on a par with the works of their contemporaries Monteverdi or Cavalli.  

 Chiara Margarita Cozzolani & Isabela Leonarda

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