German sacred Madrigals in "sonderbar anmüthig Italian Madrigalischer Manier" (Madrigaux sacrés allemands de style italien)
Du 01 juin 2024 au 02 juin 2024/ Allemagne / Hambourg
Joowon Chung, Anna Nesyba | Sopran
Alexander Schneider | Alt & primus inter pares
Johannes Gaubitz, Christopher Renz | Tenor
Matthias Lutze | Bass
Flóra Fábri | Truhenorgel
Sacred madrigals? This sounds paradoxical at first, as we know either polyphonic sacred motets or secular madrigals from the early Baroque period. In the works of Heinrich Schütz, Christoph Bernhard, Johann Vierdanck Johann Hermann Schein, Andreas Hammerschmidt and Michael Praetorius, both styles are combined, and one spoke of a ‘peculiarly pleasant Italian madrigal manner’ or ‘a peculiar, lovely madrigal style’. The four- to six-part chants, accompanied only by the basso continuo, which were intended for use in church services, are among the treasures of 17th century Central German vocal music.
The programme invites you to discover the lively polyphonic music of Schütz and Praetorius and its further development by their younger composer colleagues. In his Geistliche Chor-Music 1648, the old master Heinrich Schütz shows how it was still possible to write lively polyphonic music in pure counterpoint style around the middle of the century without violating the sacrosanct compositional rules of the 16th century. Avec l'Ensemble Polyharmonique, le public peut découvrir les structures artistiques de ces œuvres et se laisser emporter par les procédés stylistiques expressifs dans l'esprit de Monteverdi. Si le public d'aujourd'hui est capable de s'abandonner à l'omniprésence de cette musique, il sera certainement récompensé par le plus grand plaisir artistique !
Joowon Chung, Anna Nesyba | Sopran
Alexander Schneider | Alt & primus inter pares
Johannes Gaubitz, Christopher Renz | Tenor
Matthias Lutze | Bass
Flóra Fábri | Truhenorgel
Sacred madrigals? This sounds paradoxical at first, as we know either polyphonic sacred motets or secular madrigals from the early Baroque period. In the works of Heinrich Schütz, Christoph Bernhard, Johann Vierdanck Johann Hermann Schein, Andreas Hammerschmidt and Michael Praetorius, both styles are combined, and one spoke of a ‘peculiarly pleasant Italian madrigal manner’ or ‘a peculiar, lovely madrigal style’. The four- to six-part chants, accompanied only by the basso continuo, which were intended for use in church services, are among the treasures of 17th century Central German vocal music.
The programme invites you to discover the lively polyphonic music of Schütz and Praetorius and its further development by their younger composer colleagues. In his Geistliche Chor-Music 1648, the old master Heinrich Schütz shows how it was still possible to write lively polyphonic music in pure counterpoint style around the middle of the century without violating the sacrosanct compositional rules of the 16th century. Avec l'Ensemble Polyharmonique, le public peut découvrir les structures artistiques de ces œuvres et se laisser emporter par les procédés stylistiques expressifs dans l'esprit de Monteverdi. Si le public d'aujourd'hui est capable de s'abandonner à l'omniprésence de cette musique, il sera certainement récompensé par le plus grand plaisir artistique !