Festival Musiques au château de l'Hermitage

From 17 August 2024 to 18 August 2024/ France / Condé-sur-l'Escaut

For this 7th edition, find the summer festival in the exceptional setting of the Château de l'Hermitage in Condé-sur-l'Escaut. Located in the heart of the Bonsecours national forest on the Belgian border, this jewel of eighteenth-century Hainaut architecture opens its doors to you and invites you to immerse yourself in the "Arts de vivre" of the Great Centuries!

In the intimate setting of the Château's rotunda, our musician friends will share with you their favourites, their passion for the baroque and classical repertoire, their musical convictions, their heritage discoveries... All in a joyful conviviality!
Literature and nature will also be on hand to help you discover the site and its history.
The program: 
Saturday, August 17, 2024:
> The Enchanted Cello by Ophélie Gaillard | BACH, MATEIS, OSWALD – 11AM
> Gems of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries French with Amadeo Castille, Sacha Levy and Kamran Mercier | STATES OF MIND – 3 P.M. 
> Trios and Quartets with the Ensemble La Française | Destination London – 8 P.M. 

Sunday, August 18, 2024:
> Jean-Luc Ho and the pedal clavichord | INTIMATE BACH – 11AM
> The Human Voices of the Viola da Gamba with the duo Barbaroco | MUSICAL CONTEMPLATIONS – 3 P.M.
> Diana Baroni, Voice of Women of the New World with Diana Baroni, Ronald Martin Alonzo and Rafael Guel Frias | MUJERES – 5:30 PM

For a weekend, come and experience a time of artistic encounters with Harmonia Sacra and our musician friends...
Festival Musiques au château de l'Hermitage


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